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Scleroderma Enduring Module

Clinical Management of Systemic Sclerosis: Hope and Reality

Janet Pope_edited.jpg

Janet Pope, MD, MPH, FRCPC

Professor, Department of Medicine

Epidemiology & Biostatistics

University of Western Ontario

London, ON

Robert Gniadecki_edited.jpg

Robert Gniadecki, MD

Professor / Director, Department of Medicine

Division of Dermatology 

University of Alberta 

Edmonton, AB

Justin Kim_edited.jpg

Justin Kim, RN

Apheresis Clinic

Toronto General Hospital 

Toronto, ON


Learning Objectives:
After attending this event, participants will be better able to:

- Identify the symptom presentation of systemic sclerosis/scleroderma;
- Consider the impact of systemic sclerosis on quality of life and the realistic outcomes of clinical management strategies;
- Evaluate the various treatment options for systemic sclerosis to effectively treat what is treatable.

This initiative has been sponsored in part by Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals through an educational grant.

CITE 2019

118 James St N Suite 200, Hamilton ON L8R 2K7

Tel: 905-525-8213 | Fax: 866-714-5521

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